







This chapter consists of a potpourri of different ideas — merely to hint at the multitudinous issues connected with health and well-being.  

Your ideas about yourself are, again, vital in the larger context of a healthy lifetime. The condition of your heart is affected, for example, by your own feelings about it. If you consider yourself to be coldhearted, or heartless, those feelings will have a significant effect upon that physical organ. If you feel broken-hearted, then you will also have that feeling reflected in one way or another in the physical organ itself.  

Obviously, as I mentioned earlier, each individual also has many options open. Everyone who feels brokenhearted does not die of heart failure, for example. The subject of health cannot be considered in an isolated fashion, but must be seen in that greater context that gives health itself a value and a meaning. As mentioned earlier, each person will also try to fulfill their own unique abilities, and to "fill out" the experience of life as fully as possible.  

If an individual is hampered in that attempt strongly and persistently enough, then the dissatisfaction and frustration will be translated into a lack of physical exuberance and vitality. There is always an unending reservoir of energy at the command of each person, however, regardless of circumstances, and we will also discuss the ways in which you can learn to tap that source and better your own health situation.  

The sooner you can rid yourself of rigid beliefs about the survival of the fittest, the better you will be. All philosophies that stress the idea of the body's impurity or degradation should also be seen as detrimental to bodily and spiritual integrity. Such beliefs clutter up your conscious mind with negative suggestions that can only frighten the exterior ego and impede the great strength and vitality that is your heritage from lending you the fullest possible strength and support.  

Later on we will indeed discuss various methods of healing, conventional and unconventional. Medical technology alone, however expert, cannot really heal a broken heart, of course. Such a healing can only take place through understanding and through expressions of love. In other words, through emotional transplants rather than physical ones alone. The emotional factors are extremely vital, both in the development and in the healing of all dis-eases.  

We will not stress particular diseases in this book, and mention symptoms only to identify the cases associated with such conditions. It is actually far more important that we stress the symptoms of health and those methods, beliefs, and healings that promote them.


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文章标题:情感移植vs.肉体移植 |《健康之道》连载(27)发布于2022-05-10 09:46:08
