
      这段视频截取自最近大火的美剧“THIS IS US."。 之所以拿来与大家分享,是因为它表达的理念与赛斯资料非常相近,希望带给大家一些启发~(很遗憾,由于多次提交申请,视频无法通过审核,请各位点击“ ”欣赏此视频)



这真的很疯狂,想象一下,一百年前,一个我没见过的人提着手提箱来到这个城市。他有一个儿子,他的儿子又有一个儿子,再然后又有了我。所以, 最初我画这幅画的时候,我在想,也许这里就是那个人在画上的位置。到了这边下面,就是我的位置。然后我开始思考,如果……在这幅画里我们无所不在呢?如果在出生之前我们就在这幅画里了呢?如果在死亡之后我们还在画里呢?这些我们不断往上添加的颜色,如果它们一直不停地覆盖了别的颜色,直到最后我们再也不是各异的颜色了呢?我们融为了一体,成为一幅画。




I painted this because I felt like the play was about life.Life is full of color.And we each get to come along and we add our own color to the painting.You know? And even though it's not very big, the painting, you sort of have to figure that it goes on forever,you know, in each direction. So, like, to infinity, you know?'Cause that's kind of like life, right?


And it's really crazy, if you think about it, isn't it,that, a hundred years ago,some guy that I never met came to this country with a suitcase.He has a son,who has a son,who has me.So, at first, when I was painting,I was thinking, you know, maybe up here,that was that guy's part of the painting and then, you know,down here, that's my part of the painting.And then I started to think, well, what if…we're all in the painting, everywhere?And-and what if we're in the painting before we're born?What if we're in it after we die?And these colors that we keep adding,what if they just keep getting added on top of one another,until eventually we're not even different colors anymore?We're just... one thing.One painting.


I mean, my dad is not with us anymore.He's not alive, but he's with us.He's with me every day.It all just sort of fits somehow.And even if you don't understand how yet,people will die in our lives, people that we love.In the future.Maybe tomorrow.Maybe years from now.I mean, it's kind of beautiful, right,if you think about it, the fact that just because someone dies,just because you can't see them or talk to them anymore,it doesn't mean they're not still in the painting.


I think maybe that's the point of the whole thing.There's no dying.There's no you or me or them.It's just us.And this... sloppy…wild, colorful, magical thing that has no beginning, it has no end…this right here…

I think it's us.



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文章标题:热播美剧“THIS IS US"片段欣赏发布于2022-05-10 10:06:33
