展讯 | 天机妙趣-马子恺古艺术全球巡展(剑桥站)

Natural Interesting - Ma Zikai Ancient Calligraphy Art Exhibition (Cambridge Station)


Opening Date  | 9 April 2019


Activity Date |  9 April - 15 April 2019


Exhibition venue | Clare College,University of Cambridge

主      办|厚益高等教育研究院

Organizers | Houyi Institute of Higher Education

协       办|博达传媒有限公司

Co-sponsors | Boda Media Co., Ltd.

承       办|马子恺国学艺术中心

organizer | Ma Zikai Center for Traditional Chinese Studies and Art







黄金时代 | Golden Age

136x34cm  2019年

德和天下 | Peace and morality

136x34cm  2019年

自强不息 | Unremitting self-improvement

68x34cm  2019年

厚德载物 | Virtue

68x34cm  2019年

志于 | Aspire to learn   

68x34cm  2019年

和乐永年 | Happy every year

68x34cm  2019年

山谷幽·四君子题拓四屏之一 | Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum

136x34cm 2019年

清风高节·四君子题拓四屏之一 | Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum

136x34cm 2019年

妙| subtle

34x34cm  2019年

马子恺   当代国学艺术名家。现为国家一级美术师、西泠印社社员、中国书法家协会会员、中华诗词学会会员、北京大学访问学者、中国书法学术研究院常务副院长、漱玉印社社长、《中华藏书集成》副主编、山东建筑大学特聘研究生导师、济南市政协委员、政协书画院副院长等职。先后在首都师范大学、北京大学学习与中国国家画院任职。出版有十几种专著,曾在国内外成功举办二十余次个展,多次获得重要奖项,被各大艺术机构收藏展出。在北京、上海、杭州等地创建有“马子恺艺术馆”,为推广传统国学艺术做出了积极贡献。2008年为北京奥运会题写“中国”、中国美术学院出版大型画册《马子恺艺术作品集》;2010年“马子恺书法艺术”作为当代首次个人书法专场拍卖会在北京成功举办;2011年作品被人民大会堂正式收藏;2013、2014年书法作品《你好·世界》《你好·未来》连续两年登上纽约时代广场的纳斯达克大屏,成为热点新闻;2014年创作《中华第一印-泰和宝玺》问世于文博会上;大型艺术纪录片《中国艺术大家-马子恺专集》播出;10月“马子恺古篆艺术展”在巴黎卢浮宫卡鲁萨尔厅成功举办;同期获得在澳门举办的国际艺术展览会金奖;2015年8月在米兰世博会荣获艺术展金奖;2016年3月荣选为“济南旅游形象大使”、6月在加拿大多伦多艺术中心成功举办“马子恺古篆艺术全球巡展”;10月在北京创办“中国古篆艺术论坛”;2017年受邀参加法国巴黎大皇宫ArtCapital艺术沙展;2018年受聘为美国圣荷西国际艺术节评委主席。

Ma Zikai He is a contemporary well-known Chinese traditional-cultural artist. After studying in Beijing University, then holding a post in the China National Art Academy, and as a member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, a member of the Xiling Seal Engravers Society, he is now the executive vice-president of the Chinese Calligraphy Academic Research Institute, the president of the Beijing Shuangxiu Academy of Classical Learning, the Proprieter of the Shuyu Seal Engravers Society, the visiting scholar of the Beijing University, the academic chief editor of China Art Academy, and also the associate editor of some important books such as Chinese Art Encyclopedia, Calligraphy Characters Dictionary, Integration of China Collected Books. He has published more than ten monographs including the Compilation of Ma Zikai’s Art Works, Distinguished Seals & Engravings in Shandong, the Analects of Confucius in Seal Characters, Proverbs in the Books of Changes, the Essential Han Seals, Merciful for Mountain and Wised for River, with his biographical sketches and theoretical essays appeared in hundreds of books and periodicals. As a successful exhibitor holding more than twenty exhibitions home and abroad, a winner of many significant awards for more than hundred times, he enjoys a high reputation in and out of the art industry.

here has been 18 Ma Zikai Art Galleries at present established in famous scenic regions in Beijing, Hangzhou, Sanya, Jinan, etc.


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文章标题:展讯天机妙趣-马子恺古篆艺术全球巡展(剑桥站)发布于2021-04-22 14:02:27
