
我们会给旧的一年贴上“结束”这个标签,这又是属于我们人类的其中一项叙事传统。 因此,旧的一年之后必然接着“新的一年”。伴随这些人造类别而来的是一个甚至更滑稽的东西,称作“新年决心”。

这些新年决心需要回顾“过去”并展望“未来”。 我们这么做的时候,会发现近来全球状况并不太安逸,而从目前趋势看来,未来似乎也不会一帆风顺。 生态破坏是一大原因;另一个原因是,既有的主事者和掌权者受到了想要变得和他们一样的新进者的巨大威胁,尤其是受到那些正在落实这一目标的人的威胁。

但我们进退两难:我们如何能阻止十亿中国人想要像几百万日本人一样让马桶座清洁屁股? 我们如何能拒绝十亿印度发愿美国人一样浇灌他们的草坪并用自动烘衣机烘干衣服? 伟大的萨蒂亚特·雷(Satyajit Ray)在他美妙的电影《贾尔萨加尔》(Jalsaghar)中精彩地捕捉到过去曾经是地主的那些人在看着下属崛起时所感受到的痛苦

如果所有那些怀抱愿想的人都获得他们想要的东西,例如十亿印度人和中国人都拥有自己的汽车、开着露营车度假或在马略卡岛和阿鲁巴岛度假,甚至拥有更多的事物——他们当然和目前拥有这些的人一样值得拥有这些——那会是什么情况? 肯定会加速生态破坏,甚且可能导致全球战争,因为先前的执事和掌权者会竭尽全力紧抓着他们既有的特权和控制权不放。

因此从大局来看,很难为世界制定一个从任何人的角度来看都激励人心的新年决心。 我个人所能做的就是:再次下定决心要依止乔达摩教法


我也想努力让其他人知乔达摩的教法。 我逐渐意识到,令乔达摩、老子摩诃毘罗等人今天变得不广为人知的唯一原因在于,殖民主义和新殖民主义的势力让西方人相信自己的现代性是“历史的终结”,并说服了世界其他地区认为西化和现代化是一回事。

这就是为什么欧巴马引用康德而不是摩诃毘罗,这就是为什么邓小平引用马克思而不是乔达摩,这就是为什么印度以外的人只知道《欲经》(Kama Sutra)而不知道《政事论》(Arthashastra)。 我读过亚里斯多德、康德、黑格尔、马克思等哲学家的著作——当然不是很彻底, 但我也没有详尽读过陀的教法—— 不过关于所谓的实相,迄今我还没有发现这些西方作家说过任何佛陀没有说过的洞见,而且我发现有太多佛陀说过的东西是那些作家甚至尚未开始探讨的。

如果传统是过时、无用或有害的,例如杀死女婴、残割生殖器或奴隶制度等传统,让这类传统消失是另一回事。 但是,让真正的智慧传统沦为仅仅是人类学感兴趣的研究对象,这对人类来说是一个严重的、甚至是危险的损失。


—— 宗萨蒋扬钦哲,2023年12月31日


Dear fellow beings,

In yet another of our human narratives, we’ve labelled the old year as finished. And therefore, the old year must inevitably be followed by a “new year”. With those man-made categories, along comes something even more ludicrous called a “new year’s resolution.”

These new year’s resolutions require looking “back” and looking “forward.” When we do that, we see that things in the world haven’t been too easy in the recent past. And from the way it’s all going, it looks like the future won’t be easy either. Ecological destruction is one big reason. Another is that the old lords and masters are so threatened by newbies who want to be just like them and particularly by those who are managing to achieve that.

But we’re caught: How can we stop a billion Chinese wanting to clean their butts on the toilet seat the way a few million Japanese clean theirs? And how can we deny the aspiration of a billion Indians to water their lawns and dry their clothes with automatic dryers the way Americans do? The pain felt by those who were once lords as they watch the rise of subordinates is splendidly captured by none other than the great Satyajit Ray in his beautiful film Jalsaghar.

And if all the wannabes do get what they want, like a billion Indians and Chinese getting their own cars, taking holidays in campervans or on Mallorca and Aruba, and a whole lot more, which they surely deserve as much as those who presently have all that, then what? Surely that will not only accelerate ecological destruction but may well lead to global warfare as the former lords and masters use all their might to cling to their old privilege and control.

So, in the big picture, it’s hard to make an upbeat new year’s resolution for the world from anyone’s point of view. All I can do personally myself, is re-resolve to follow what Gautama taught.

I came to this resolution because the only way I can liberate myself from the delusion of expecting a perfect society is to follow this man Gautama. And because the only way I won’t be caught in the games of the dream is to wake up from the dream, not by adding even more systematic dreams in the name of politics, the economy, science, technology, and the rest.

I also want to put effort into letting other human beings know what Gautama taught. I have come to realize that the only reason why people like Gautama, Lao Tzu, and Mahavira are not widely known today is because of colonial and neocolonial might that has convinced itself that its own modernity is “the end of history,” and convinced the rest of the world that westernization and modernization are one and the same.

That is why Obama quotes Kant and not Mahavira, why Deng Xiaoping quotes Karl Marx and not Gautama, and why people in the larger world only know about Kama Sutra not Arthashastra. I have read philosophers like Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, and Marx, though of course not thoroughly. But I have also not read the Buddha’s teachings thoroughly. Still, I’ve so far not found any insight into so-called reality that these western writers have said that the Buddha has not said, and I’ve found so much that the Buddha said that those writers have not even begun to say.

It's one thing for traditions to die out if they are archaic, useless, or harmful like female infanticide, genital mutilation, or forced enslavement. But the degeneration of genuine wisdom traditions into nothing more than objects of anthropological interest is a grave and even dangerous loss to humanity.

So I ask those who share my concern and aspiration to join me in this or a similar resolution. May this year bring you wakefulness and cheerfulness. And in doing so, may that bring us confidence and free us from panic and anxiety.

Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, December 31, 2023

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文章标题:宗萨钦哲仁波切2024新年讯息发布于2024-01-28 16:49:27
