



Sex is love’s expression, but it is only one of love’s expressions.



Part One









I am in the process of trying to teach you both that trust is also a spiritual and physical imperative. It is indeed a condition of biological life—this of course despite all of your upbringing. That kind of trust is behind all of man’s curiosity, for without a trust in the world he would never have the courage to explore it.


When you make love you are entrusting yourself to someone else, making a spiritual and biological statement of openness that is understood through all the levels of your experience—even to the cellular. Under such loving conditions healing energies are spontaneously released. In its own fashion such acts of love are beneficially related with the spontaneous behavior of animals. That is, you can behave to some extent at such times with a creature-like sense of trust and spontaneity, and of loving openness of a kind that animals at their best often display. Again, I mentioned that you could both benefit far more from more such encounters. They generate trust.


Love-making reunites you with your own pasts, and unconscious bodily memory carries you backward to your earliest responses to your own body and that of others. To some extent then the child with all of his wonder about his own body is aroused in each act of love-making, whatever its variety. With those memories come feelings of biological exuberance, the body’s faith in itself, all highly important, and far more therapeutic than is ever realized in your society.

Love-making, like dreams, returns you to yourselves, and initiates beneficial Framework-2 activity. It regenerates your energies, and indeed clears the passageways for creativity.





Part Two







I want you in your lovemaking to imagine that your body is like a field—be aware as stimuli come to this field—feel it waken. I want you to concentrate upon feeling actively. I want you to be alert to the movement of muscles—the message of nerves. The body is affected by touch in the same way as a field by the wind, the sun and the rain. I simply suggest, therefore, that you become aware in the same manner—that you listen for what your body feels. It is you who have been blocking sensations that are there and do exist.

Allow yourself feelings when you make love. Forget the great burden that you must have an orgasm.


Allow your body its simple pleasure. Do not begin by insisting it have a certain kind of peak—let it go to be itself. The same thing in meditation—let your inner self play in your meditation and let your body play in your lovemaking.






Part Three







It has often been thought that love-making in some way impairs creativity; in fact, it is highly conducive to all kinds of creative endeavor—a point I want to emphasize.

Your joint acknowledgement of your love vastly increases the feelings of safety in your lives, and the love-making involving touch is very reminiscent of the childhood state involving freedom, when children rejoice in touching themselves and other objects and so forth.

Love-making is extremely important in that regard, for of itself it brings about an overall betterment in body and mind. It helps bring about the kind of mental atmosphere that is conducive to healing at all levels, and it involves you both at the same time. It should have a much higher position in your priorities.



Part Four



You are obsessed with sexual behavior when you proclaim it evil or distasteful or debasing, hide it, and pretend that it is primarily “animalistic.” You are also obsessed with sexual behavior when you proclaim its merits in an exaggerated fashion from the marketplace. You are obsessed with sexual behavior when you put tight, unrealistic bans upon its expression, and also when you set up just as unrealistic standards of active performance to which the normal person is expected to comply.
















爱的烦恼 |赛斯的个案分析













(做爱的意义,情人节快乐,做爱,情人节,情人,高潮,冥想 )





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文章标题:做爱的意义|情人节快乐!发布于2022-05-10 09:22:33