1984年 3月10日






In any case, magic is everywhere in the operation of your body, and in the operation of the world. My definition of magic is this: Magic is nature unimpeded, or magic is life unimpeded. It is true that your thoughts and emotions and beliefs form the reality that you experience — but it is also true that this creative construction is, in a manner of speaking, magically formed. That is, the construction of your body and the construction of a world are produced with the greatest combination of order and spontaneity — an order and spontaneity that seems hidden rather than apparent. 

You think, for example, without consciously knowing how you do so, and you speak long sentences without consciously being aware at the beginning of the sentence what the conclusion will be. 

This does not mean that you must forever remain in ignorance, but it does mean that there are different kinds of knowledge, and that all of your information does not come by reasoning alone. You grew from a fetus into an adult, for instance, so obviously some part of you does know how to perform such an amazing activity as the growth and care of the physical body. The reasoning mind alone, however, cannot by itself grow even the smallest cell, or activate the life of even one molecule, yet the growth and maintenance of the body is constant. 

The same hidden ability that promotes your body's health and vitality also fulfills and preserves the world in general. All of this is done playfully, and yet emerges with the greatest display of order and design. 

When you become too seriovis you overwork your intellect and tire your body, for then it seems that your entire life depends upon the reasoning of your intellect alone. Instead, of course, your intellectual abilities are supported and promoted by that inner mixture of spontaneity and order that so magically combine to form both your reality and the reality of the world. 





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文章标题:一切都在魔法般神奇地运作|《健康之道》连载(15)发布于2022-05-10 09:48:37