?此段摘自《灵魂永生》第二十章  问答篇














(“You said: Also, minutes and hours have their own consciousness. ’ You didn’t elaborate. ”)


What you perceive of time is a portion of other events intruding into your own system, often interpreted as movement in space, or as something that separates events—if not in space, then in a way impossible to define without using the concept of time.


What separates events is not time, but your perception. You perceive events “one at a time.” Time as it appears to you is, instead, a psychic organization of experience. The seeming beginning and end of an event; the seeming birth and death, are simply other dimensions of experience as, for example, height, width, weight. Instead it seems to you that you grow toward an end, when an end is a part of a particular experience, or if you prefer, person-event.


We are speaking then of multidimensional reality. The whole self or entity or Soul can never be completely materialized in three-dimensional form. A part of it can be projected into that dimension however, extending so many years in time, taking up so much space, and so forth.


The entity sees the whole event, the whole person-event, with the time element, or age in your terms, as simply another characteristic or dimension. The person-event is not cut off, however. Its greater reality simply cannot appear within three dimensions. It is instead composed of atoms and molecules that you do not perceive, both above and below the physical range of intensities — and all of these in their own way possess consciousness.


In greater terms, seconds and moments do not exist, either, but the reality that is behind tune or that you perceive as time, the “outside time” events, are composed of units that also have their own kind of consciousness. They form what appeals as time to you, as atoms and molecules form what appears as space to you.


Now these are units moving faster than the speed of light, excellent energy sources intruding into and impinging upon matter without ever materializing. They will be interpreted differently in other systems. 

编译: /Laujenny婷          美编:Laujenny婷



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文章标题:时间的背后发布于2022-05-10 10:03:21