音乐有许多种。我可以说:“音乐是欢欣鼓舞的” ,或“音乐是可悲可叹的”。你会懂得我并非自相矛盾。你不会说——至少我希望你不会说:“为什么会有人写出像柴可夫斯基的悲怆交响曲那样的作品呢?为什么一个作曲家会选择阴郁的曲风?”那音乐本身有它自己的气势力量,而的确美得超越了所有善恶的概念。
There are many kinds of music. I could say: “Music is triumphant,” or “Music is tragic.” You would understand that I am not contradicting myself. You would not say, or at least I hope you would not say: “Why would anyone write a composition like Tchaikovsky’s Pathetique? Why would a composer choose a somber mood?” The music itself would have its own sweep and power, and would indeed be beautiful beyond all concepts of good and evil.

In some manner, even a tragic composition of merit transcends tragedy itself. The composer was exultant in the midst of the deepest emotions of tragedy, or even of defeat. In such cases the tragedy itself is chosen as an emotional framework upon which the psyche plays. The framework is not thrust upon it, but indeed chosen precisely because of its own characteristics — even those of despondency, perhaps.

Tasting those qualities to the utmost, from that framework the psyche probes the fires of vitality and being as experienced from that specific viewpoint, and the despondency can be more alive than an unprobed, barely experienced joy. In the same manner, certain individuals can and do choose life experiences that involve great tragedies. Yet those tragic lives are used as a focus point that actually brings into experience, through comparison, the great vitality and thrust of being.

This does not mean that a tragic life is more vital than a happy, simple one. It just means that each individual is involved in an art of living. There are different themes, instruments, melodies — but existence, like great art, cannot be confined to simple definitions.

From the outside, for instance, it might seem as  if a young person dies because in one way or another he or she is dissatisfied with life itself. Certainly it is usually taken for granted that suicides are afraid of life. However, suicides and would-be suicides often have such a great literal lust for life that they constantly put it into jeopardy, so that they can experience what it is in heightened form. The same applies to many who follow dangerous professions. It is fashionable to suppose that these people have a death wish. Instead, many of them have an intensified life wish, so to speak. Certainly it seems destructive to others. To those people, however, the additional excitement is worth the risk. The risk, in fact, gives them an intensified version of life. 

This is obviously not the case with all suicides or would-be suicides, or all risk-takers. But those elements are there. A person who dies at 17 may have experienced much greater dimensions of living, in your terms, than someone who lives to be 82. Such people are not as unaware of those choices as it seems.

This does not mean that you cannot alter your experience at any given point. The particular variations that one person might play are endless. You cannot consciously begin to alter the framework of your life, however, unless you realize first of all that you form it. The melody is your own. It is not inevitable, nor is it the only tune that you can play.


编译:laujenny    美编:周周    


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文章标题:生命如歌发布于2022-05-10 10:47:46