此段摘自《灵魂永生》第十三章 “转世、梦境,以及自身隐藏的男女特征”








The animus and the anima are, of course, highly charged psychically, but the origin of this psychic charge and the inner fascination are the result of a quite legitimate inner identification with these personified other-sex characteristics. 

They not only have a reality in the psyche, however, but they are imbedded in genetically codified data by the inner self - a genetic memory of past psychic events - transposed into the genetic memory of the very cells that compose the body. 

Each inner self, adopting a new body, imposes upon it and upon its entire genetic makeup, memory of the past physical forms in which it has been involved. Now the present characteristics usually overshadow the past ones. They are dominant, but the other characteristics are latent and present, built into the pattern. The physical pattern of the present body, therefore, is a genetic memory of the self's past physical forms, and of their strengths and weaknesses. 

I will try to put this as simply as possible. There are presently invisible layers within the body, the topmost layer that you see representing, of course, the present physical form. But enmeshed within this there are what amount to invisible layers, "shadow," latent layers that represent previous physical images that have belonged to the personality. 

They are kept in abeyance, so to speak. They are connected electromagnetically to the atomic structure of the present body. To your way of thinking, they would be unfocused. They are a part of your psychic heritage, however. Often you can call up a past strength of a previous body, to help compensate for a present weakness. The body does not only carry memory biologically of its own past condition in this life therefore, but indelibly with it, even physically, are the memories of the other bodies that the personality has formed in previous reincarnations.

The anima and the animus are closely connected with these interior body images. These body images are highly charged psychically, and also appear in the dream state. They operate as compensations and reminders to prevent you from over-identifying yourself with your present physical body. 

They are, of course, both male and female. When you are ill, in the dream state you often have experiences in which you seem to be someone else with an entirely healthy body. Often such a dream is therapeutic. An "older" reincarnational body has come to your aid, from which you draw strength through the memory of its health. 

——摘自《灵魂永生》The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events

校译:        美编:老王


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文章标题:转世中的性别互补发布于2022-05-10 10:54:52
