





A recent article in a national magazine speaks "glowingly" about the latest direction of progress in the field of psychology, saying that man will realize that his moods, thoughts, and feelings are the result of the melody of chemicals that swirl in his brain. That statement devalues man's subjective world.

The scientists claim a great idealism. They claim to have the way toward truth. Their "truth" is to be found by studying the objective world, the world of objects, including animals and stars, galaxies and mice ? but by viewing these objects as if they are themselves without intrinsic value, as if their existences have no meaning.

Now those beliefs separate man from his own nature. He cannot trust himself? for who can rely upon the accidental bubblings of hormones and chemicals that somehow form a stew called consciousness ? an unsavory brew at best, so the field of science will forever escape opening up into any great vision of the meaning of life. It cannot value life, and so in its search for the ideal it can indeed justify in its philosophy the possibility of an accident that might kill many many people through direct or indirect means, and kill the unborn as well.

That possibility is indeed written in the scientific program. There are plans, though faulty ones, of procedures to be taken in case of accident ? so in your world that probability exists, and is not secret. As a group the scientists rigorously oppose the existence of telepathy or clairvoyance, or of any philosophy that brings these into focus. Only lately have some begun to think in terms of mind affecting matter, and even such a possibility disturbs them profoundly, because it shatters the foundations of their philosophical stance.

The scientists have long stood on the side of "intelligence and reason," logical thought, and objectivity. They are trained to be unemotional, to stand apart from their experience, to separate themselves from nature, and to view any emotional characteristics of their own with an ironical eye. Again, they have stated that they are neutral in the world of values. They became, until recently, the new priests. All problems, it seemed, could be solved scientifically. This applied to every avenue of life: to health matters, social disorders, economics, even to war and peace.

——摘自《个人与群体事件的本质》(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events

校译:Laujenny        美编:路客


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文章标题:科学家——现代社会的新祭司发布于2022-05-10 10:55:44