
(编辑:前排 美编:Wendy 校译:Laujenny)



From Seth Audio Collection, Volume 1, Tape #22 Nov 6, 1973:

选自赛斯语音收藏, 卷1, 音带22#, 1973年 11月6 日

I am trying to tell you that if you look inward, and study your own sacredness and creativity and blessedness, and joy and power, as closely as you study the sacred books of the gods, then you would realize that all those books of the gods were based upon the great reality of the individual, the individual soul, and therefore based upon your own reality.


Do yourselves just honor, and in doing yourselves that honor, you will see within yourself, the ‘gods-in-becoming’ that you are.


Now the idea of the gods have been set up before you, by yourselves as ideals for you to follow - projected outward from your own souls into physical reality as guides for you to follow - that you yourselves have set up. And so they have followed the thesis and the times and the historical context of their mortal birth.


But behind and within those myths are the realities of your being - the Christ and the Buddha are both within you, for they are symbols of what you are. Pray to them and you pray to the hidden gods within you. You do not need to kick them aside like a child irritated with his toys!


Understand the nature of the gods as they come down to you, through your histories, and in them always you will find the unspoken but real nature of the hidden god within each of you.


All That Is is beyond your intellectual ideas of personhood. Any concepts you use to personify that idea can be useful. But only in seeing beyond them can you release the power, and the energy, and to some extent, the knowledge of what you are, and only through understanding that, can you hope to have any idea of All That Is. For All That Is materializes through your flesh and being.



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文章标题:【赛斯原声带】赛斯说“神、宗教和一切万有”发布于2022-05-10 11:07:46
