妙法蓮華經 信解品第四(29)

The Lotus Sutra Chapter IV Willing Acceptance

? “Now, in the past the Buddha reviled the ?rāvakas—those who yearned for the inferior teaching—in the presence of the bodhisattvas, but actually the Buddha inspired them also with the Mahayana.

? 而昔於菩薩前,毀呰聲聞樂小法者,然實以大乘教化。

? 昔日佛于諸菩薩前诃責聲聞小乘熱衷小法,乃是開闡無遮,欲度懷疑、诽謗大法之輩,究其實質,佛還是以大乘之法施行教化。

? That is why we say that though we originally had no desire to seek the great treasure of the King of the Dharma it has now come to us unsought and unawaited. We have all attained what we should attain as the heirs of the Buddha.”

? 是故我等,說本無心有所悕求。今法王大寶自然而至,如佛子所應得者皆已得之。」

? 所以說,我們原本無心仰慕求取佛,可今日法會之上,法王如來佛的無上妙法之寶不求自至。作爲佛的兒子,我們應該從佛那裏得到的,如今皆已得到了。”

Excerpted from chapter ten of The Lotus Sutra


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妙法蓮華經 信解品第四(24)The Lotus Sutra Chapter IV Willing Acceptance

妙法蓮華經 信解品第四(25)The Lotus Sutra Chapter IV Willing Acceptance

妙法蓮華經 信解品第四(26)The Lotus Sutra Chapter IV Willing Acceptance

妙法蓮華經 信解品第四(27)The Lotus Sutra Chapter IV Willing Acceptance

妙法蓮華經 信解品第四(28)The Lotus Sutra Chapter IV Willing Acceptance



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文章标题:妙法蓮華經 信解品第四(29)The Lotus Sutra Chapter IV Willing Acceptance发布于2024-04-10 11:58:11
