妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(6)

The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(6)

? “At that time innumerable thousands of myriads of ko?is of sentient beings approach the Buddha and listen to his teaching. Then the Tathāgata, perceiving the faculties of sentient beings—whether they are sharp or dull, diligent or idle—

? 爾時無數千萬億種眾生,來至所而聽法。如來于時,觀是眾生諸根利鈍、精進懈怠,

? 這時,無數衆生紛至沓來,齊集佛的住地,聽經聞法。如來佛當即觀察這些衆生的聰慧與愚鈍、精進與懈怠等不同情況,

? explains the teachings according to their capacities in a variety of immeasurable ways, gladdening and benefiting them all. “Having heard his teaching, all of these beings are at peace in this world and are born into a good existence in the future. Through this they will receive peace of mind and be able to hear the teaching.

? 隨其所堪而為說法,種種無量,皆令歡喜,快得善利。是諸眾生聞是法已,現世安隱,後生善處,以受樂,亦得聞法。

? 并根據他們所能接受的程度而别宣說無量法門,其目的都是要使衆生歡喜信受,很快受益。這些衆生聽過如來說諸法後,現世必将安穩,後世可生天上或人間的富貴處。因爲修行如來道法可獲得快樂,所以就應聞此法,

Excerpted from chapter ten of The Lotus Sutra


推荐阅读 Recommended Reading

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(1) The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(1)

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(2)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(2)

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(3)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(3)

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(4)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(4)

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(5)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(5)




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文章标题:妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(6)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(6)发布于2024-04-10 11:51:02
