The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters - 37
說四十二章經 第37章
後漢 西域沙門迦葉摩騰 竺法蘭 同譯

Translated jointly by Indian Sramana Kasyapa Matanga and Dharmaraksa in the Later Han Dynasty

△ 中文 | 能禀      英文 | 弘惠 00:20开始 

第37章 念戒近

Observing the Disciplines to Stay Close to the Way

The Buddha said: "O children of Buddha! You are away from me ever so many thousand miles, but if you remember and think of my precepts, you shall surely gain the fruit of enlightenment.

You may, standing by my side, see me alway, but if you observe not my precepts, you shall never gain enlightenment."

英文版经文转载自 菩提字幕屋,英译者 D.T. Suzuki

English  version sourced from Bodhi Fansubs, translated by D.T. Suzuki

△ 英文 | 释宏添     中文 | 能禀  02:42开始                             

法师讲解:37 念戒近道

Commentary: Observing the disciplines to stay close to the way

There is a story in The Ten Recitations Vinaya: two Bhiksus set off to Shravasti in order to pay respects to the Buddha. On the way they found some water to quench thirst, but they realized that there were small living organisms in water. The Bhiksu who upheld the precepts refused to drink it whereas the other Bhiksu who relaxed the precepts drank the water.  The Bhiksu who had upheld the precepts then died of dehydration but was reborn to heaven because of such merits. He then exercised his supernatural power to appear before the Buddha. On hearing the Buddha’s preaching, he attained the initial achievement and then returned to heaven. The other Bhiksu who had drunk the water only managed to arrive late even though he had survived. He was reprimanded by the Buddha for violating the precepts just to see the Buddha in physical form, but without knowing that observing the disciplines can make him see the Buddha’s essential nature.

《十诵律》中有一个故事,两位比丘从远方前往舍卫城拜见佛陀,中途找水解渴但发现水中有虫。一位持戒比丘因此没有把水喝下,而另一位不持戒比丘不想渴死便把水喝掉了。持戒比丘最终死了,但因持戒功德随即生到天上, 並通现身在佛陀面前。佛陀为他说法令他证得初果后他便回到天上。而喝水的比丘虽然活过来但却姗姗来迟, 佛陀训斥他不惜破戒只为见佛的肉身,但不知,持戒得见佛的法身

Also, just before the Buddha’s nirvana, Ananda asked the Buddha: “During the Buddha’s presence we rely on you as our mentor. After your nirvana, who should we rely on?” The Buddha replied: “After my nirvana, you should rely on the disciplines as your mentor.” In Bodhisattva Vinaya, it is said that upholding the precepts is as desirable as having light in darkness, treasures to the poor, freedom to prisoners, and returning home after long expeditions. The Sutra of Contemplation of Amitayus tells us that if we want to be born in the Western Pure Land we need to practise the three acts of merit, and the second act is upholding precepts.

另外,佛陀即将涅槃阿难问佛陀:“佛陀在世时大家以佛为师,当佛陀涅槃后以谁为师” 佛陀说:“我涅槃后,以戒为师”。菩萨戒里也说到持戒就如同在黑暗中得到光明、贫穷者获得珍宝、囚犯得以出狱、远行者得以归家一样美好!《观无量寿经》更告诉我们,念佛往生净土的得修净业三福,其中第二福就是要持戒。

Precepts are not only intended for Buddhists to observe because some fundamental precepts, including no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct and no verbal misconduct relate to deeds which are sinful in essence. Violation of them will result in karmic retribution irrespective of whether you have undertaken the precepts or not. Man-made laws are only the lowest thresholds of behavioral standard, laws of causation are the rules of the universe.


讲解 | 释宏添   北京天开寺

By Bhiksu Hong Tian,  Tiankai Temple

△ 单词 | 弘惠

  主要词汇 - 37  

  1. the Ten Recitations Vinaya 《十诵律》

  2. Shravasti 舍卫城

  3. pay respects to the Buddha 拜见佛陀

  4. uphold /relax the precepts 守戒 /不守戒

  5. attain the initial achievement 证初果

  6. Bodhisattva Vinaya 菩萨戒

  7. the Sutra on Contemplation of Amitayus([?k?nt?m?ple??n])《观无量寿经》

  8. be born in the Western Pure Land 往生西方净土

  9. fundamental precepts 根本戒

  10. karmic retribution 果报

讲解 | 释宏添
英文校对 | Cindy
汇编 | 德山
英文朗读 | 释宏添  弘惠
    中文朗读 | 能禀
音频 排版 | 惟海  德容







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