The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters - 10
說四十二章經 第10章
後漢 西域沙門迦葉摩騰 竺法蘭 同譯

Translated jointly by Indian Sramana Kasyapa Matanga and Dharmaraksa in the Later Han Dynasty

△ 中文 | 妙音     英文 | 弘惠  00 : 41 开始  

第10章 喜施獲福

Accumulating Merits by Rejoicing
The Buddha said: "Those who rejoice in seeing others observe the Way will obtain great blessing."

A Sramana asked the Buddha,"Would this blessing ever be destroyed?"


The Buddha said, "It is like a lighted torch whose flame can be distributed to ever so many other torches which people may bring along; and therewith they will cook food and dispel darkness, while the original torch itself remains burning ever the same. It is even so with the bliss of the Way."

英文版经文转载自 菩提字幕屋,英译者 D.T. Suzuki
English  version sourced from Bodhi Fansubs, translated by D.T. Suzuki

  △ 英文 | 释宏添     中文 | 妙音 02 : 25开始                             


Commentary:  Accumulating merits by rejoicing

According to the Abhidharmakosa-Sastra, rejoicing means expressing sincere appreciation without jealousy for the meritorious deeds committed by others. As a method of Buddhist practice, rejoicing itself can bring about a lot of merits, and it can also eliminate our sense of self attachment and jealousy. When we rejoice at others’ meritorious deeds, we will gain the same kind of merits attributed to such deeds. In Avatamsaka Sutra -Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, rejoicing at others’ meritorious deeds is one of the ten great vows made by Bodhisattva Samantabhadra. 

按《俱舍论》,随喜就是对别人所做的一切善根发出内心的欢喜,当中不带有嫉妒心。作为佛教的一种修行方法,随喜的功德是很大的,而且可以让我们破除我执及嫉妒心。当我们随喜别人的善行,我们也同时获得同类的功德,在《华严经 - 普贤行愿品》中,普贤菩萨发了十个大愿,其中一愿就是随喜功德。

The scope of rejoicing can be very wide; according to the Chapter-Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, we should rejoice at the meritorious deeds of all beings, irrespective of worldly sentient beings, sages of both the Mahayana and Hinayana, or even the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Sincere rejoicing is not achieved by casual verbal appreciation; some people are opportunistic, taking advantage of others by rejoicing at others’ meritorious deeds to gain benefits. Such an intention is not exactly desirable. Rather, we should participate in the meritorious deeds as far as we can.    


On the other hand, we have to be cautious about rejoicing at evil deeds, or we will share the karmic retribution. For example, when the 911 attack occurred in New York, some people took pleasure in others’ misfortune. Such behavior is essentially rejoicing at a very severe evil deed. The traps of rejoicing at evil deeds are actually ubiquitous in our daily life. For example, we may have come across videos or printed materials about seafood cooking, fishing, hunting or even pornography and violent scenes. We should be careful not to rejoice at the cruelty or indecency therein.  

讲解 | 释宏添   北京天开寺

By Bhiksu Hong Tian,  Tiankai Temple

   △ 单词 | 弘惠


  1. rejoice [r??d???s] v.  随喜

  2. dispel [d??spel]  v.  驱散;消除

  3. opportunistic [??p?tju??n?st?k] adj.  投机取巧的

  4. Abhidharmakosa-Sastra《俱舍论》

  5. Avatamsaka Sutra《华严经》

  6. Bodhisattva Samantabhadra  普贤菩萨

  7. Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra  《普贤行愿品》

  8. meritorious deeds ([?mer??t??ri?s])善行

  9. evil deeds  恶业;恶行
  10. 我执
  11. 十分普遍的
  12. 色情书刊、音像等
  13. 不雅行为

讲解 | 释宏添
英文校对 | Cindy
汇编 | 德山
英文朗读 | 释宏添  弘惠
    中文朗读 | 妙音
排版 | 惟海






佛说四十二章经 第9章
佛说四十二章经 第8章
佛说四十二章经 第7章
佛说四十二章经 第6章
佛说四十二章经 第5章(3)
佛说四十二章经 第5章(2)
佛说四十二章经 第5章(1)
佛说四十二章经 第4章
佛说四十二章经 第3章
佛说四十二章经 第2章
佛说四十二章经 第1章
佛说四十二章经 序 
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文章标题: 佛法双语工作坊经典连载:佛说四十二章经(第10章)发布于2022-01-21 15:08:06