The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters - 5 (1)
說四十二章經 第5章 (1)
後漢 西域沙門迦葉摩騰 竺法蘭 同譯
Translated jointly by Indian Sramana Kasyapa Matanga and Dharmaraksa in the Later Han Dynasty

    △ 中文 | 德焱        英文 | 弘惠    00 : 22 开始  

第5章 轉重令輕 

Mitigation of Retribution
The Buddha said: "If a man who has committed many a misdemeanor does not repent and cleanse his heart of the evil, retribution will come upon his person as sure as the streams run into the ocean which becomes ever deeper and wider.

"If a man who has committed a misdemeanor come to the knowledge of it, reform himself, and practise goodness, the force of retribution will gradually exhaust itself as a disease gradually loses its baneful influence when the patient perspires."

英文版经文转载自 菩提字幕屋,英译者 D.T. Suzuki
English  version sourced from Bodhi Fansubs, translated by D.T. Suzuki

△ 英文 | 释宏添        中文 | 德焱    02 : 03 开始                             

法师讲解:轉重令輕 (1)

Commentary:  Mitigation of retribution (1) 

This is a chapter that talks about how to redeem one's sin. The laws of causation tell us that after the cause is created, we will take the consequences when the karma and conditions mature. We can understand from here that the fruition of karma is driven by both the cause and conditions. It is analogous to growing a tree; it requires a seed and nutrients. 


The effect of karma is characterized by two features; the first one is whether retribution will be concluded for certain, and the second one is the timing of fruition. As these two factors can be fixed or not fixed, we categorize karma as fixed or indefinite. Generally speaking, severe karma will mature sooner than the mild ones. Actually people in general have much more indefinite karma than fixed one in their sea of karma.

果报在感果方面存在两种特性,一是会否受报,二是成熟的时间。而这两种特性可以是固定, 也可以是不固定, 所以我们把它们区分为定业与不定业。一般来说是重业先报,轻业后报。实际上普通人的业海中一般都是定业少,不定业多。

Fixed karma, no matter wholesome or unwholesome, has strong severity. It is normally created under strong determination, or habitual repetitions over time. If deeds are related to the three jewels or one’s own parents, it may likely result in fixed karma. Besides, fixed karma means conclusion of either retribution or timing of fruition, or even both. Once fixed karma is established, it is very difficult to redeem.  


On the other hand, indefinite karma does not have a fixed retribution or time to suffer. After the karma cause is created, conditions for fruition may vary in the result that retribution can be mitigated or avoided. As discussed in this chapter, repentance is one of the ways to achieve such redemption.  (to be cont'd) 


讲解 | 释宏添   北京天开寺

By Bhiksu Hong Tian,  Tiankai Temple

  △ 单词 | 弘惠


  1. Kasyapa Matanga  迦叶摩腾

  2. Dharmaraksa  竺法兰

  3. misdemeanor [?m?sd??mi?n?] n.  行为失检

  4. cleanse [klenz] v.  使净化;使免除(罪过)

  5. retribution [?retr??bju??n] n. 报应;惩罚

  6. baneful [?be?nfl] adj.  邪恶的

  7. mitigation [?m?t??ɡe??n] n.  减轻;缓解

  8. the laws of causation ([k???zei??n])  因果律

  9. take the consequences  受到果报;自食其果

  10. karma and conditions mature ([m??t???])  业缘成熟

  11. fruition of karma ([fru??i??n])  因果成熟

  12. fixed karma  定业

  13. indefinite karma ([in?definit])  不定业

  14. severe karma  重业

  15. mild karma ([maild])    

  16. sea of karma  业海

  17. wholesome or unwholesome ([?h?uls?m] [??n?h?uls?m] )  善或恶

  18. severity [si?veriti] n.  严重

  19. habitual [ h??b?t?u?l] adj.  串习的;习惯的

  20. repentance [ri?pent?ns] n.  悔悟

  21. redeem [r??di?m] v.  挽回;消除

  22. redemption [r??demp?n] n.  挽救;拯救

The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters - 5 (2)
佛說四十二章經 第5章 (2)
後漢 西域沙門迦葉摩騰 竺法蘭 同譯

Translated jointly by Indian Sramana Kasyapa Matanga and Dharmaraksa in the Later Han Dynasty

 △ 中文 | 德焱     英文 | 弘惠  00 : 22 开始  

第5章 轉重令輕 

Mitigation of Retribution
The Buddha said: "If a man who has committed many a misdemeanor does not repent and cleanse his heart of the evil, retribution will come upon his person as sure as the streams run into the ocean which becomes ever deeper and wider.

"If a man who has committed a misdemeanor come to the knowledge of it, reform himself, and practise goodness, the force of retribution will gradually exhaust itself as a disease gradually loses its baneful influence when the patient perspires."

英文版经文转载自 菩提字幕屋,英译者 D.T. Suzuki
English  version sourced from Bodhi Fansubs, translated by D.T. Suzuki

△ 英文 | 释宏添     中文 | 梭罗木木    02 : 20 开始                             

法师讲解:轉重令輕 (2)

Commentary:  Mitigation of retribution (2) 

While karma can be mitigated, it can also grow. If a karma cause is not appropriately tackled with after it has been created, it will continue to grow and eventually affect our future lives. What kind of karma will grow or will not grow then? Let's first understand the ten situations below in which karma will not grow:


1. Dreams, on condition that we do not rejoice at what happened in the dreams after waking up;


2. Deeds committed unconsciously, such as dream walking;  


3. Deeds committed without one’s notice, such as stepping on an ant when you walk;


4. Deeds committed unwillingly without recurrence; it refers to deeds committed occasionally under desperate circumstances without recurrence, e.g., deeds committed in order to flee from a calamity; 


5. Deeds committed under mental disorder. By Discipline standard, taking hold of fire like gold is considered an acceptable sign of mental disorder;


6. Deeds committed under a lapse of concentration. For example, you are not aware that you are very noisy during a deep chat;  


7. Deeds committed against one’s will and pleasure; this occurs when someone is forced to do something against one’s will, and one derives no sense of pleasure from it, e.g., being raped;


8. Neutral deeds, such as taking a walk or rest;  


9. Repented deeds; things done but repented of subsequently;


10. Dispelled deeds:Deeds dispelled through contemplation of emptiness.


Apart from the ten situations above, all the others are dynamic karma. Therefore repentance is the best way to redeem bad karma.  (to be cont'd)


讲解 | 释宏添   北京天开寺

By Bhiksu Hong Tian,  Tiankai Temple

  △ 单词 | 弘惠


  1. mitigate [?mitigeit] v.  使减轻

  2. rejoice [r??d???s] v.  随喜

  3. unconsciously [?n?k?n??sli]  adv.  不知不觉;无意识

  4. recurrence  [r??k?r?ns] n.  重现;复发

  5. commit unwillingly without recurrence([r??k?r?ns]) 不利不数所作

  6. desperate [?desp?r?t] adj.  不顾一切的;令人绝望的

  7. mental disorder  狂乱;精神错乱

  8. lapse of concentration  注意力不集中;没有注意到

  9. neutral deeds  ( [?nju?tr?l])  无记业

  10. dispel [d??spel] v.  消除

  11. contemplation of emptiness ([?k?nt?m?ple??n])  空观

The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters - 5 (3)
佛說四十二章經 第5章 (3)
後漢 西域沙門迦葉摩騰 竺法蘭 同譯

Translated jointly by Indian Sramana Kasyapa Matanga and Dharmaraksa in the Later Han Dynasty

   △ 中文 | 德焱     英文 | 弘惠  00 : 22 开始  

第5章 轉重令輕 

Mitigation of Retribution
The Buddha said: "If a man who has committed many a misdemeanor does not repent and cleanse his heart of the evil, retribution will come upon his person as sure as the streams run into the ocean which becomes ever deeper and wider.

"If a man who has committed a misdemeanor come to the knowledge of it, reform himself, and practise goodness, the force of retribution will gradually exhaust itself as a disease gradually loses its baneful influence when the patient perspires."

英文版经文转载自 菩提字幕屋,英译者 D.T. Suzuki
English  version sourced from Bodhi Fansubs, translated by D.T. Suzuki

△ 英文 | 释宏添     中文 | 梭罗木木    01 : 17 开始                             

法师讲解:轉重令輕 (3)

Commentary:  Mitigation of retribution (3) 

Let’s summarize the three conditions needed for the growth of karma:


1. The deed is committed with a clear mind rather than an unsound mind;


2. The deed is committed with deep recognition and aspiration from the heart;  


3. The deed is committed habitually.


We can see that the impact of karma has a connection with our state of mind. When the mind of repentance arises,the force of bad karma will diminish. Similarly, if we regret a wholesome deed which we have committed, the force of our merits will be weakened accordingly too.


If we want to get the best result of repentance, firstly we need to make our repentance heartily, and promise not to repeat the wrong doing. We also have to confess in the presence of the three jewels. With the blessing from the three jewels and through various dharma methods or rituals, such as face-to-face confession, worshiping the Buddhas,etc, we can redeem our retribution effectively.

忏悔若要达到最好的效果,第一我们需要从内心发出真诚的悔疚,並发心不会在犯。在三宝前忏悔罪过,仰仗三宝的加持力,及忏悔的各种法门及仪式, 例如对首忏、拜佛等,我们可以有效地消除罪障。

讲解 | 释宏添   北京天开寺

By Bhiksu Hong Tian,  Tiankai Temple

    △ 单词 | 弘惠


  1. unsound mind ([??n?sa?nd])   神志不清;昏昧

  2. aspiration [??sp??re??n] n.  渴望

  3. habitually [h??b?tj??li] adv.  习惯性地;经常地

  4. confess [k?n?fes]  v.  忏悔(罪过)

  5. the three jewels  三宝

  6. dharma methods  法门

  7. ritual [?r?t???l] n.  仪式;仪规

  8. face-to-face confession  对首忏

  9. worship the Buddhas  拜佛

  10. redeem our retribution  消除罪障;赎罪

  11. diminish [d??m?n??]  v.  减少;减损



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文章标题: 佛法双语工作坊经典连载:佛说四十二章经(第5章)发布于2022-01-21 15:43:36