妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(8)

The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(8)

? “Those sentient beings who hear, hold, and recite the teachings of the Tathāgata and practice it accordingly will nevertheless not perceive the merit that they have obtained.

? 其有眾生聞如來法,若持讀誦,如說修行,所得功德,不自覺知。

? 如果有衆生聽聞如來法後,受持、讀誦,依法修行,他由此所得的功德自己是很難覺知的。

? “Why is this? Only the Tathāgata knows the seed, character, disposition, and capacity of sentient beings. Only he knows what they contemplate, think, and practice; how they contemplate, think, and practice; what teachings they contemplate, think, and practice; and what teaching they obtain through what teaching.

? 所以者何?唯有如來知此眾生種相體性,念何事、思何事、修何事,云何念、云何思、云何修,以何法念、以何法思、以何法修,以何法得何法。

? 爲什麽呢?因爲隻有如來佛才知此人所種的不同種子和此人的内部本質屬性,知道他憶念何事、思惟何事,修行何事;知道他以何法憶念、以何法思惟、以何法修行;知道他習什麽法并由此而得什麽法。

Excerpted from chapter ten of The Lotus Sutra


推荐阅读 Recommended Reading

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(3)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(3)

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(4)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(4)

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(5)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(5)

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(6)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(6)

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(7)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(7)



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文章标题:妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(8)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(8)发布于2024-04-10 11:50:52
