妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五

The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs

Thereupon the Bhagavat addressed Mahākā?yapa and other great disciples saying: “Splendid! Splendid! O Kā?yapa! You have skillfully explained the real merit of the Tathāgata. It is exactly as you have said. The Tathāgata has immeasurable, unlimited, and incalculable merits. Thus even in a period of immeasurable ko?is of kalpas you will never fully be able to explain all of his merits.

? 爾時世尊告摩訶迦葉及諸大弟子:「善哉,善哉!迦葉善說如來真實功德。誠如所言,如來復有無量無邊阿僧祇功德,汝等若於無量億劫說不能盡。

? 這時,世尊對摩诃迦葉及諸大弟子說:“好!好!迦葉善于演說如來的真實功德。誠如迦葉所言,如來有無量無邊不可思議的功德,你們即使于無量億劫之中不停地敍說,也是說不盡的。

? “O Kā?yapa! You should know that the Tathāgata is the king of all the teaching. What he teaches is never false. He explains all the teaching using his wisdom and skillful means and what he teaches leads everyone to the stage of omniscience.

? 迦葉!當知如來是諸法之王,若有所說皆不虛也。於一切法,以智方便而演說之,其所說法,皆悉到於一切智地。

? 迦葉弟子啊,你應該知,如來是諸法之王,凡是他說的,都是真實無誤的。他以無上聖智作根本,以方便權巧爲方式演說出一系列的佛道妙法,這些法皆可通到無所不知的佛智境地。

Excerpted from chapter ten of The Lotus Sutra




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文章标题:妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五 The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs发布于2024-04-10 11:51:29
