The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters - 22
說四十二章經 第22章
後漢 西域沙門迦葉摩騰 竺法蘭 同譯

Translated jointly by Indian Sramana Kasyapa Matanga and Dharmaraksa in the Later Han Dynasty


△ 中文 | 能禀     英文 | 弘惠  00 : 17 开始 

第22章 財色招苦

Wealth and Lust Cause Suffering

The Buddha said: "People cleave to their worldly possessions and selfish passions so blindly as to sacrifice their own lives for them.


They are like a child who tries to eat a little honey smeared on the edge of a knife. The amount is by no means sufficient to appease his appetite, but he runs the risk of wounding his tongue."

英文版经文转载自 菩提字幕屋,英译者 D.T. Suzuki

English  version sourced from Bodhi Fansubs, translated by D.T. Suzuki

△ 英文 | 释宏添     中文 | 能禀  02 : 59 开始                             

法师讲解 :22 财色招苦

Commentary:  Wealth and lust cause suffering

Wealth, lust, fame, fine food, and sleep are collectively known as the five roots leading to hell. These desires can temporarily provide us with happiness but at a high cost because they will lure us into all kinds of unwholesome deeds to acquire them. In Buddhism we have three kinds of sufferings, namely ordinary suffering, suffering of destruction, and suffering of conditional existence. Simply put, ordinary suffering is the kind of suffering that we generally understand, such as sickness and injury, etc. Suffering of destruction arises when a certain enjoyment comes to an end; it is often said that all good things must come to an end. As for suffering of conditional existence, it is the kind of tiny suffering that occurs when things in the world change over time. For example, when we get old we will sigh that our health is no longer as good as before, or even though the environment remains unchanged, people may not be the same ones.   


Very often people have an incorrect notion about desires; we consider that the more things we have, the more freedom we can enjoy. For example, if we have a lot of money, we can spend it freely to buy whatever we like. Let's say a mink coat had caught your attention. You watched it over and over again and fantasized that when you wore it you would attract a lot of admiring glances and compliments. You said to yourself that if I were rich I would buy it anytime I wish. However, can money really provide you with true freedom? In front of this mink coat, you are in fact completely helpless, and can only be led by the nose. There is a socialite who is a materialistic maniac. It is her dictum that “I can live without food but not designer brands.” She had caused her two husbands to go bankrupt, and she also ended up in huge debts of hundreds of million dollars! True freedom lies in that you become the master of your will, and you have the capacity to control your desires. This is what the phrase “uphold right mindfulness” in the Twenty-four Words of Heart Refinement means. Buddhism has always advised people to cast off attachments. When you are able to follow or let go your desires at will, you can have true freedom.


讲解 | 释宏添   北京天开寺
By Bhiksu Hong Tian,  Tiankai Temple

△ 单词 | 弘惠

  主要词汇 - 22  

  1. wealth, lust, fame, fine food, and sleep  财、色、名、食、睡

  2. lure into [l??(r) ??nt?]  引诱

  3. ordinary suffering  苦苦

  4. suffering of destruction  坏苦

  5. suffering of conditional existence  行苦

  6. incorrect notion [?n???n]  错误认知;不正确的观念

  7. fantasize [?f?nt?sa?z]  v. 想象;幻想

  8. compliment [?k?mpl?ment]  n. 赞美;称赞

  9. materialistic maniac([m??t??ri??l?st?k] [?me?ni?k])物欲狂;物质狂
讲解 | 释宏添
英文校对 | Cindy
汇编 | 德山
英文朗读 | 释宏添  弘惠
    中文朗读 | 能禀
音频 排版 | 惟海  德容






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文章标题: 佛法双语工作坊经典连载:佛说四十二章经(第22章)发布于2022-01-21 12:57:12