妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(3)

The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(3)

? Dense clouds thoroughly cover this great manifold cosmos and rain falls at the same time everywhere, moistening the small, medium, and large roots, stems, branches, and leaves of all the grasses, trees, shrubs, and herbs.

? 密雲彌布,遍覆三千大千世界,一時等澍,其澤普洽。卉木叢林及諸藥草,小根小莖、小枝小葉,中根中莖、中枝中葉,大根大莖、大枝大葉,

? 在它們的上面,密雲彌布,遮蓋了整個大千世界。一時間,大雨齊下,雨水平等均勻地滋潤到大地的每一個角落。但大地上所生長的卉木叢林和諸種藥草卻根據其根、莖、葉的大、中、小不同,

? “The sizes of all the trees depend on whether their capacities are superior, mediocre, or inferior; and the rain falling from the same cloud makes them grow according to the nature of their various seeds. Flowers blossom in the same place and fruit ripens in the same place moistened by the same rain, yet there are differences among these grasses and trees.

? 諸樹大小,隨上中下各有所受。一雲所雨,稱其種性而得生長華菓敷實。雖一地所生,一雨所潤,而諸草木,各有差別。

? 而各自接受其所得的一份。雖是一雲所雨,但各自都依其不同的品種特性而得以生長、開花、結果。所以,一地所生,一雨所潤的花草樹木卻是各不相同的。

Excerpted from chapter ten of The Lotus Sutra


推荐阅读 Recommended Reading

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(1) The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(1)

妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(2)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(2)

Excerpted from chapter ten of The Lotus Sutra





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文章标题:妙法蓮華經 藥草喻品第五(3)The Lotus Sutra Chapter V Herbs(3)发布于2024-04-10 11:51:19
