
Chanting Buddha’s Name

Based on Ekavyuha-Samadhi, Chan Master Daoxin proposed three methods of sitting meditation and chanting Buddha’s name: Chanting Buddha's Name Only, Mindful Observation while Chanting Buddha’s Name, and Chanting the name of Buddha with Insight into Reality.
These methods follow a clear and essential sequence of practice, progressing from the superficial to the profound, from the conditioned to the unconditioned.
The first method is Chanting Buddha's Name Only. "To enter the Ekavyuha-Samadhi, one should be in a quiet and leisurely place, abandon all scattered thoughts, disregard appearances, focus the mind on one Buddha, and recite the name exclusively." Focusing the mind on one Buddha and exclusively reciting the name, commonly practiced as chanting the sacred name of Amitabha Buddha or Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, is emphasized. This method was imparted by the Fourth Patriarch, Chan Master Daoxin, and has been passed down by venerable masters through generations.

Dharma Talk by Venerable Master Renda

推荐阅读 Recommended Reading

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专念佛还用受持五戒吗 Is it necessary to observe the Five Precepts

以戒为师,严格持戒 Taking Precepts as the Teacher, Adhering to Precepts

人身从五戒中来 Obtain human incarnation from the Five Precepts




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文章标题:持名念佛 Chanting Buddha’s Name发布于2024-04-10 11:51:57
