
Taking Precepts as the Teacher, Strictly Adhering to Precepts

Taking refuge and receiving precepts" and "adherence to precepts" should not be a question at all. Taking refuge in the Triple Gem (Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha) is the first step in entering the Buddhist path, to be qualified as a disciple of the Buddha. Moreover, after taking refuge and receiving precepts, one attains the pure “precept body” from the Buddha and receives protection from Dharma protectors and Bodhisattvas. This leads to fewer obstacles in one's practice. 
Without taking refuge in the Triple Gem, merely observing the five precepts as a non-registered Buddhist disciple is akin to being an "extracurricular student," and progress will be slower. It is important to emulate virtuous Buddhist disciples and be a diligent practitioner of precepts. Instead of making unwarranted criticisms about where others may lack in upholding precepts, it is essential to recognize that precepts are guidelines for self-discipline, not for judging others. As disciples of the Buddha, one should take precepts as their teacher, strictly adhere to them, diligently practice, and do not deviate from the original intention of wanting to escape from the cycle of birth and death.

Dharma Talk by Venerable Master Renda

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文章标题:以戒为师,严格持戒 Taking Precepts as the Teacher, Adhering to Precepts发布于2024-04-10 11:52:09
