The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters - 34
說四十二章經 第34章
後漢 西域沙門迦葉摩騰 竺法蘭 同譯

Translated jointly by Indian Sramana Kasyapa Matanga and Dharmaraksa in the Later Han Dynasty

△ 中文 | 能禀     英文 | 弘惠  00:24 开始 

第34章 處中得

Following the Middle Path to Attain Bodhi 

One night a monk was reciting a sutra bequeathed by Kashyapa Buddha.

His tone was so mournful, and his voice so fainting, as if he were going out of existence.

The Buddha asked the monk, "What was your occupation before you became a homeless monk? "

Said the monk, "I was very fond of playing the guitar."

The Buddha said, "How did you find it when the strings were too loose?" Said the monk, "No sound is possible."

"How when the strings were too tight?" "They crack."
"How when they were neither too tight nor too loose?" "Every note sounds in its proper tone."

The Buddha then said to the monk, "Religious discipline is also like unto playing the guitar.

When the mind is properly adjusted and quietly applied, the Way is attainable;

but when you are too fervently bent on it, your body grows tired;
and when your body is tired, your spirit becomes weary;

when your spirit is weary, your discipline will relax;

and with the relaxation of discipline there follows many an evil.

Therefore, be calm and pure, and the Way will be gained."

英文版经文转载自 菩提字幕屋,英译者 D.T. Suzuki

English  version sourced from Bodhi Fansubs, translated by D.T. Suzuki

△ 英文 | 释宏添     中文 | 能禀  02:18开始                             

法师讲解:34 處中得道

Commentary: Following the Middle Path to attain Bodhi

The Middle Path requires that we forgo the conceptions of binary opposition, such as emptiness versus existence, eternity versus nihilism, etc, which are all heterodox views. We also need to stay away from extreme asceticism and indulgence. Buddha Sakyamuni had led a luxurious life in palace when he was a crown prince, and then he started a monastic life to practise asceticism in the snow mountain for 6 years. After all these he realized that living at extreme conditions were not helpful in attaining enlightenment at all. Thereafter he started to practise according to the Middle Path and became enlightened eventually.

中道是要我们舍弃二元对立的思维模式,当中包括“空”与“有”、“常”与“断” 等的邪见,同时也需要摒除极端的苦修与享乐。释迦牟尼佛当太子时本来在王宫过着奢华的生活,之后出家又在雪山苦修六年,结果发现这些极端的生活方式对觉悟毫无帮助,此后奉行中道的修行方式而最终悟道

Buddhism does not deny worldly happiness. However Buddhism does remind us that worldly happiness is transient and unstable. Such peculiarity of uncertainty is named dukkha or suffering. For example, our wealth can be wiped out overnight in a financial crisis, and our vitality will decline gradually with the lapse of time.  


Buddhism advocates a lifestyle of simplicity such that we will live in contentment with fewer desires, and we shouldn’t be disorientated by our ever expanding desires. We may want to know that this is about reduction of desires rather than total abstinence, as though the fiddle strings should neither be tuned too tight nor too loose. This is the wisdom of living brought about by Buddhism with which we can still exhibit breadth and calmness in face of the Eight Influences, namely compliment, sarcasm, defamation, honor, gain, loss, suffering, and happiness. As for cultivation, we should forgo those meaningless ascetic practices but without falling too much into indolence. For example there are occasions, such as summer retreats and chanting sessions, during which monastics exercise more diligence than normal. 


讲解 | 释宏添   北京天开寺

By Bhiksu Hong Tian,  Tiankai Temple

△ 单词 | 弘惠

  主要词汇 - 34  

  1. binary opposition([?ba?n?ri]) 二元对立

  2. eternity versus nihilism 恒常与断灭

  3. heterodox view([?het?r?d?ks])邪见

  4. asceticism [??set?s?z?m] n. 苦行

  5. indulgence [?n?d?ld??ns] n. 放纵;享乐

  6. dukkha [巴利] 逼迫;苦

  7. abstinence [??bst?n?ns] n. 节制;禁欲

  8. defamation [?def??me??n] n. 毁;诽谤

  9. indolence [??nd?l?ns] n. 放逸;怠惰懒惰

  10. summer retreat [r??tri?t] 结夏安居

  11.  chanting session [?s???n] 佛七

讲解 | 释宏添
英文校对 | Cindy
汇编 | 德山
英文朗读 | 释宏添  弘惠
    中文朗读 |   能禀
音频 排版 | 惟海  德容







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